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IMPORTANT NOTE: The Archives Hub Linked Data available here was produced by the Jisc funded LOCAH project dating back to 2010. Unfortunately it has not been possible to update the data since 2013. The data should only be used for test and example purposes as it may change substantially and cannot be relied upon. The Archives Hub is hoping to produce up to date production level data at some point in the future, but at this time it is not possible to indicate if or when this will happen.
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The dataset describes archives held by UK institutions. The data is derived from a sample of the archival finding aids held by the UK Archives Hub.
Please note: at this time, the dataset should be considered unstable, and its content may change substantially at any time without warning.
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The Locah Blog provides a detailed account of the project, covering data modelling, use of vocabularies, URIs, issues and challenges.
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The SPARQL endpoint for the dataset is: 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作伡来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,伡及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 ….
A query box for trying out SPARQL queries is available at http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com:8000/test/
An RDF dump of the dataset is available: http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com/dump/
The Archives Hub EAD to RDF XSLT stylesheet is available: http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com/ead2rdf/.
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The URIs for resources described in the dataset follow the following pattern:
- ^http://data\.archiveshub\.ac\.uk/id/.+
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邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,伡前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伟修建的土墙房里,由于年伟久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。
- http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com/id/archivalresource/gb015-banzare
- http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com/id/person/nra/webbmarthabeatrice1858-1943socialreformer
- http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com/id/repository/gb15
- 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伟表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …
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新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ...
- http://purl.org/dc/terms/
- http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
- http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#
- http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/
- http://linkedevents.org/ontology/
- http://jlgzpv.wcbzw.com/def/
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The LOCAH Linked Archives Hub data and content is licensed under a 番羽土墙 licence.
NB: Archives repository postcode data kindly supplied by The National Archives Archon Directory